Architecting for the future: Reducing the risk of migration from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8

15/05/2024 | 4:55 pm CET
Track: Orange Stage

Learn how to design an architecture that supports an easy transition from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8. This session unravels the journey of implementing Camunda with a client, focusing on creating a clear migration pathway to Camunda 8. Discover how they externalized a custom tasklist, utilized the external tasks pattern in Camunda 7, and created microservice contexts using Domain Driven Design (DDD). Get ready to delve into lessons learned, what could have been done differently, and the creation of a custom forms engine for a top-notch user experience. The cherry on top? They’re about to embark on a new project directly on Camunda 8, building reusable services for their Camunda 7 to Camunda 8 transition.

Vicky James
Toby Cook